I have a very strong suspicion that bugs are trying to get me. I am not crazy, though. It's not all bugs that are after me. I do have a very lukewarm relationship with ladybugs. As long as they don't surprise me and come at me from nowhere, I am very friendly with ladybugs. But, other than that, bugs don't like me. I live by one rule. Well, I live by many of them but I am only sharing one at a time. I don't remember, or am even aware, of all the rules. The rule of the day is: reciprocity. If you don't like me, I am not wasting my time trying to like you. Bugs don't like me, therefore, I don't like them. Simple cause and effect really.
Loyal readers will remember the attack of the killer wasp that happened a few weeks back. What readers don't know is that the wasp attack is not the first attack by the bug militia. A few weeks before I started my voyage into the world of blogging, I suffered my first surprise assault. I was sitting on my desk at work when, out of the corner of my eye, I see something moving. My sharp senses and superb reflexes allowed me to locate and avoid a spider that was rapidly moving towards me. I slammed the desk with my palm and the vibrations made the spider stop. The next few minutes seemed to be taken from an old western movie as me and my foe just stared at each other waiting for someone to make the first move. Usually at this point I would provide a long description of what the spider looked like but, unfortunately, I can't do so. And this time, it is not because my descriptive writing is lacking. The reason this time is that, even though I had about ten minutes to stare at my nemesis, I was not able to really observe its physical characteristics due to fact that the spider was barely about an eighth of an inch big. That is including leg span. I can tell you that much. It had legs and a very small, dot-like body. Regardless of the minuteness of my enemy, I knew it had fangs full of lethal poison and was just biding its time until I lost eye contact so that it could attack. I had to act fast so, after ten minutes, I figured I had to end the stand off and take action. Very carefully and slowly, as to not alarm the deadly assassin, I picked up my phone and called one of the girls in the back office to come kill it for me. In case you were wondering, there was mocking but I didn't care. After all, I was alive.
This brings us to today. Just when I thought it was safe to let my guard down, the enemy resurfaced. One of the first tasks I have to perform at work is bringing in the newspaper. It was a beautiful morning and I was in good spirits. I happily sauntered outside into the brisk spring morning. I picked up the newspaper and, as I slowly made my way back inside trying to soak up the sun and breathe in the fresh air, I saw it. This time it was bigger. I swear to you it was almost an inch and a half. Unlike the first, it did not have a small dot-like body but a big round one with stubby legs and I think it almost looked hairy. It was walking into the building at a fast pace and, despite my best efforts at trying to divert it from that path, made it into the lobby. For those who don't know, that is where my desk is. See the similarities? Both of them were spiders and both of them were at work. I guess the next attack is gonna be a bee in my car to keep the flying insects in the vehicle motif. Back to today. The new attacker was stronger than its predecessor. So I had to act faster this time. It only took me five minutes of staring before I called a girl from the back to kill it for me. She came in laughing, as she had heard of the previous spider, but when she saw the new one she asked me to get a broom. I promptly provided her with her weapon of choice. She brought her weapon to bear and slammed it down on the would-be killer. The enemy was stronger than expected and, even after three smacks, it kept trying to walk even though it kept oozing some really disgusting, sticky substance. The girl finally gave up and decided it was best to just sweep it outside.
I have survived, yet again, and foiled the plans of the bug overlord that keeps sending its minions after me. I know they are out to destroy, if not my life, at least my reputation as I have to call on girls to assist (rescue?) me. Working where I work, I have few options as to who to call in times of need. Besides, I rather live emasculated by having girls kill spiders for me than die bravely facing a foe that leaves me frozen with fear.
The war, however, rages on. How long I will be able to survive and thwart the increasing and ever stronger attacks of the dreaded bugs? No one knows. I shall keep you posted on the progress of this battle from the trenches. All I know is that I am not giving up without a fight. Even if it is a girl that is doing the fighting for me.
Honey, you should not be in such a job where bugs come at you from all directions. Where do you work any way. In a Barn? Thank GOD you have warrior women to ASSIST you with the ever increasing battles for Dominance. Like your writing too. kc
I know you hate it when I talk about England, but seriously, there were barely any bugs in that country! No ants, no roaches, no spider, and NO ANIMALS THAT CAN KILL YOU. Perfect for a precious little pansy like you. Now come over to my house this weekend and help me in my garden. I will introduce you to my roly polys and my worms! <3
KC: I am glad you like my writing. About the bugs,I know there will always be women to take care of them as women are not in short supply.
Trinity, I love to hear you talk about England. I just can't help it if I'm jealous. I appreciate the invite to meet your roly polys and your worms but I know too many of them as it is. Thanks, though.
I made unladylike snorting noises while reading this which is very bad because I was texting my 4th grade lover (he's not in 4th grade currently, he was when we fell in love) and I know he couldn't hear me, but it's hard to be cute and flirty with the man it's taken 24 years to get a first date with when you're laughing and making ugly noises with my nose.
All of that is to say, the time has come to share you with my peeps. You're getting linked to. You're ready. God,I love you!! You crack my shit up!!
Thank you so much for such a big vote of confidence. I shall try my best not to let you down. Congrats on trying to date. It may not be easy but we still have to try.
I've read that spiders are harbingers of creativity. Is it a coincidence that these arachnids are drawn to you at the dawn of your blogging beginnings? I think not!
Kristin, congratulations on your first comment. I must say that it puts my writing to shame. Also, there is no amount of creativity worth being attacked by arachnids. Are you suggesting I should resign my blog so no spiders will attack me?
LOL, please don't! Spiders be damned!!!!
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